C/O, Md. Baki Billah
Moddhopara (Inside GTFC School)
Kalma-1, Savar, Dhaka-1341
Phone : +8801911-895968, 01841-895968
Quote Number | QUO-2 |
Quote Date | December 13, 2021 |
Total | BDT3,000.00 |
Dream wings
Dear Sir/Madam,
This is the quotation as per your requirement. The total price is a 40% discounted price for the members of NIjer Bolar Moto Ekta Golpo Foundation.
Hrs/Qty | Service | Rate/Price | Adjust | Sub Total |
1 | logo design * 2 Unique Logo Concepts/Demo |
BDT2,000.00 | -40% | BDT1,200.00 |
1 | Facebook Cover Design * 1 Unique Concepts/Demo |
BDT1,000.00 | -40% | BDT600.00 |
1 | Letter Pad design * 1 Unique Concepts/Demo |
BDT1,000.00 | -40% | BDT600.00 |
1 | Business Card Design (Visiting Card) * 1 Unique Concepts/Demo |
BDT1,000.00 | -40% | BDT600.00 |
Sub Total | BDT3,000.00 |
Tax | BDT0.00 |
Total | BDT3,000.00 |